With all the debate over health insurance reform/
how does it change the normal poor man torn/
between scorin' food or staying out of pouring rain storms/
abused in pain/
these same people, often offered nothing to gain are ashamed/
blame goes towards the system, aka. the game of political decisions/
this minor incision in the lives were all living will cost us, just like religion/
the money is missing, but no one is listening/
so why not read what is written?/
this will cost more than a trillion dollars over 10 years/
forcing scores of civilians to pretend that we dont hear the fear in the air/
a crisis is near, the hunting seasons here and we're the deer/
wear orange hunting gear and go to jail for years/
this whole situation really grinds my gears
Q:How are we going to pay for health reform? (Source: San Francisco Chronicle)
A:That's the trillion-dollar question.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/08/17/MNT4198FQ4.DTL&type=politics#ixzz0OV3JKjJq
Q:Will everyone who is uninsured get covered?
Q:Will everyone who is uninsured get covered?
A:None of the proposals would cover absolutely everyone
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Hi, I found your blog from ClubOrlov's blog which I found when someone put a link to it on my own post about American health care reforms - whew! That was a bit complicated. Anyway, great to find your blog. Hi.